Carving Pine Wood

If you are new to carving and are looking for carving information you are in the right place. Chances are you may have found this site because you have a pine tree that you will soon or currently have available for use and you are considering taking up carving, or hiring a carver. If this is the case you are in good shape.

Best Carving Wood for Beginners

Pine wood is a great wood for the beginning carver, whether you are carving with chainsaw or with knives. Pine wood is a great wood for carving. It is soft wood that is easy to hone skills at carving with. White pine is the best one to use.

Pine however, at certain times of the year can have a lot of sap in it, which can quickly gum up carving tools.

To get around this problem it is advisable to not cut the pine down in the spring or early summer. Instead, if possible try to use pine for carving that was cut when the tree is more dormant like in the fall or winter.